
Repairing a roof is far from a straightforward procedure, and if anyone knows this firsthand, it’s our roofers in Mercer County, NJ. There are countless factors to consider when it comes to roof repair, and all of them affect the timeline and cost of the project. Have you ever wondered what these factors are? Consider […]
Choosing the right roofing company might seem like a simple and easy task, but there are a lot of factors to consider to help narrow down your options. Roofing companies are aplenty, but not all companies can provide the flexibility of service you desire. Fortunately for homeowners, finding the right roofing contractor is not a […]
No homeowner wants a leaking roof on their hands. If your roof is leaking during rainstorms or during every major weather event, you’re probably sick of placing buckets throughout your home to catch leaks or anticipate the next disaster. And if you’ve been dealing with your roof leaking for a long time, you’ve probably wondered: […]
If you’re the type of homeowner who practices good roof maintenance, you might think you know everything there is to know about your roof. While our roof maintenance contractors in New Jersey love when clients take good care of their roofs, we also warn homeowners not to believe everything they hear — or assume what […]
With your roof reaching the end of its life, you’re wondering if you should have it replaced. What you may not realize is that you actually have several options. You could pay for a full roof replacement, or you could hire a roofing contractor to re-roof your home.
Your roof might not cross your mind often, but it stands up to a lot. Heavy rain and other weather conditions can wreak havoc on your roof year-round. It’s crucial to keep an eye on your roof, especially during the winter months. Snow and ice storms are so harmful because they combine the problems caused […]
When homeowners are thinking about remodeling their homes, they often want to know if it would be better to go up with a new floor addition or go out with a ground floor addition. The answer depends on several factors, such as the purpose of the room they want to add and the construction costs. 
Your home’s roof is its protection against the elements. As such, your roof has to withstand harsh conditions, extreme weather, and a variety of factors that could damage your home’s underlayment and interior building materials. If your roof fails, your entire home and its contents could be exposed to water damage, mold growth, debris, and […]
Your roof plays a critical role in keeping you protected from outside elements. However, a roof will eventually need to be replaced as it nears the end of its lifespan. After a long enough period, you may notice a few common signs that you need total roof replacement. A roofing contractor can also inspect your […]
If your roof shows signs it needs to be replaced, it’s best to start planning now. You don’t want to move forward with a roof replacement project when backed into a corner because a part of your roof is broken or leaking. If you wait until you’re in a state of emergency, you won’t have the time […]